What is it?

Gumbi Gumbi (Pittosporum Angustifolium) is a small tree found over a large part of inland Ausralia, commonly used by the indigenous people for conditions such as coughs and colds.
In recent years great there has been great interest in this plant, as its chemical profile and mechanism of action on human beings is starting to be understood


An Examination of the Medicinal
Potential of Pittosporum phylliraeoides:
Toxicity, Antibacterial and Antifungal

Many people in the western world have begun
to take Gumbi Gumbi in various forms,
as a health tonic and to assist in the treatment
of serious medical conditions.

An Examination of the Medicinal
Potential of Pittosporum phylliraeoides:
Toxicity, Antibacterial and Antifungal

Many people in the western world have begun
to take Gumbi Gumbi in various forms,
as a health tonic and to assist in the treatment
of serious medical conditions.


Our Product

We concentrate the extract from the wild crafted
leaves of Gumbi Gumbi into a 15ml dropper bottle.
The process we use is called Spagyrics,
a technique developed by Paracelsus of alchemically
preparing plants to potentise plant tinctures.

The recommended dose is 1-10 drops, 2 or 3 times
a day. Most people will find 5-6 drops
to be a good dosage.


Our Product

We concentrate the extract from the wild crafted
leaves of Gumbi Gumbi into a 15ml dropper bottle.
The process we use is called Spagyrics,
a technique developed by Paracelsus of alchemically
preparing plants to potentise plant tinctures.

The recommended dose is 1-10 drops, 2 or 3 times
a day. Most people will find 5-6 drops
to be a good dosage.